Why am I involved at NC4H?
Development Officer: Teboho Alphonce Lehasa
What is my role as Development Officer at NC4H?
My primary role as a Development Officer at NC4H is to search for employment, skills training and entrepreneurial opportunities for residents of NC4H. This is achieved by identifying potential employers which include individuals, various businesses and government departments to lobby for the employment of NC4H residents. Acknowledging that some of our residents require to learn certain skills to help them become employable it is necessary that I link them with training opportunities. However, some residents may display entrepreneurship skills as a result of a special skill or talent they possess. Such residents will be supported through appropriate training to enable them to realize their potential.
Furthermore, the Development Officer ensures empowerment of NC4H residents through a work readiness programme which entails career counselling, compiling professional curricula vitae, job search techniques, applying for employment, job interview etiquette and work ethics. The purpose is to ensure residents participate in the process leading to their employment, which in turn helps gain them to confidence in their abilities and appreciate their achievement of finding employment.
Why am I involved at NC4H?
Young people are affected by various challenging factors such as effects of HIV/AIDS, easy access to drugs and alcohol, dysfunctional families, crime and numerous forms of abuse. These contribute immensely to the emotional turmoil that some young people experience, leaving them helpless and feeling inadequate. Without care and guidance, such individuals make uninformed decisions like leaving their homes to reside on the streets, get involved in crime or start using drugs in order to escape the painful reality of hopelessness plaguing their lives. Urban areas in KwaZulu-Natal are experiencing increasing volumes of young people draped in drug abuse among other social ills. It is our moral responsibility to get involved and facilitate a process of change for those seeking help to get clean from drugs.
It is against this background that I find it necessary to personally contribute to changing the lives of young adults recovering from addiction. Firstly, it is often circumstances beyond their control that contributed to their current situation. Secondly, I strongly believe a person recovering from addiction who has a desire to change their lives to achieve their goal with proper support, guidance and love. Thirdly, as Christians, we are called to be our brother’s keeper as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. The concept of Ubuntu speaks the same, being of assistance to others who need our help.
How can you get involved?
Change your attitude towards people recovering from addiction and be open to assist them. Offer employment opportunity to one resident. While permanent employment is desirable, in its absence temporary work experience can help us better understand each individual resident, measure their progress and determine further intervention. You can also assist by sponsoring a skills training course for one or more residents, which will help make them employable. Furthermore, you can lobby business owners in your network to offer employment opportunities to NC4H residents. Should you be keen to assist please contact Alphonce on empowerment@napiercentre.org or 082 944 2557
drug addiction durban ekhukanyeni healing centre napier centre rehabilitation spirituality street drugs verulam whoonga