Month: May 2019

A place of light providing a safe and faith filled environment for recovery from addiction

April Prayer Items

The executive team meets once a month for reporting of various officers. The meeting is chaired by Father Stephen, the chairman of the Napier Centre 4 Healing, graced by the presence of His Eminence, Cardinal Napier. Every meeting has monthly prayer items requested by the executive. At the meeting that was held on 25 April…
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May 30, 2019 0

Why am I involved at NC4H?

Development Officer: Teboho Alphonce Lehasa What is my role as Development Officer at NC4H? My primary role as a Development Officer at NC4H is to search for employment, skills training and entrepreneurial opportunities for residents of NC4H. This is achieved by identifying potential employers which include individuals, various businesses and government departments to lobby for…
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May 30, 2019 0