Month: April 2019

A place of light providing a safe and faith filled environment for recovery from addiction

Job Application: House Parent Needed

The Napier Centre is looking for a Catholic married couple who would be willing to live on site as ‘house parents’ (supported by a social worker) and as operational managers of the centre. This will require specialized training which will be provided. Experience in dealing with drug addiction, and as managers, computer literacy is essential.…
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April 23, 2019 0

First Residents at Harmony

With the assistance of Sr. Cathy at the Denis Hurley Centre (DHC), candidates were identified for admission to the Harmony Retreat Centre in Greytown.After been interviewed by Father Stephen, 2 Social Workers namely; Pearl Ramotsamai and Sr. Cathy, in March 2019 residents started at Harmony. The first residents will be peer mentors at the Napier…
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April 23, 2019 0

Meet your New Fundraising Assistant

Lindani Sthembele Maphumulo is the new fundraising assistant, commencing January 2019. Lindani’s responsibilities include to build and update the database, follow up with promised donations, send letters of thanks to donors, publish Newsletters, prepare presentation packs for the teams visiting parishes, keep stock of marketing material, and website administration. Volunteers are welcome to support the…
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April 23, 2019 0